Best Western Premier, Solo City, Indonesia
September 16, 2017 – September 17, 2017
The 1st International Conference on Science, Mathematics, Environment and Education (ICoSMEE) taking place at the Universitas Sebelas Maret in 16 September 2017 is a scientific forum for scholars to disseminate their research and share ideas. In 2017, the conference will have theme New Challenges and Perspectives of Innovative Research in Science, Mathematics, Environment and Education for Sustainable Life continuing the spirit United nation worldwide Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD). |
Aims and Scope
The conference aims to provide forum to share and discuss ideas and new development in science, math, environment and education. The scopes of our conference that will be discussed are: a. Physics, Instrumentation, and Energy |
Keynote Speakers
1. Prof. Steven Gilmour (King’s College London)
| Steven Gilmour's research is mostly on the statistical theory, methodology and applications of the design and analysis of experiments. Much of his research is on experiments with complex treatment structures, such as those with many variables (factorial designs), those with continuous levels (especially leading to nonlinear models) and those with several continuous variables (response surface methodology). Problems of choice of treatments, allocation of treatments to experimental units and links between design and modeling are all of importance to experimenters and lead to interesting statistical work. |
2. Prof. Bob Bucat (University of Western Australia, UWA)
| Robert (Bob) Bucat. He is Professor in the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Western Australia. His scholarly activities in chemistry education are motivated by an intense curiosity about what happens “on the other side” of the lectern or lab bench. Bob was a member, from 1994 to 2002, of IUPAC’s Committee on Chemical Education. For his international contributions, in July 2012 he was presented with the IUPAC Distinguished Contribution to Chemistry Education Award. |
3. Kathy Malone. Ph.D (Ohio State University)
| Her research interests focus on STEM reasoning and learning in biology and physics via modeling-based activities. In addition, she is interested in the benefits of including engineering design components in K12 science classrooms. Kathy has been involved with Modeling Instruction pedagogy in science since 1995 as both a high school practitioner and an educational researcher. In addition, she is an active workshop leader of this pedagogy nation wide specifically in physics and biology. She has been instrumental in the introduction of this pedagogy at the freshman high level in physics, in secondary biology and as a vertical integration theme in educational settings. |
4. Prof. Amy Cutter-Mackenzie
| Professor Amy Cutter-Mackenzie is the Deputy Head of School Research, as well as the Research Leader of the SCU ‘Sustainability, Environment and Education’ (SEE) Research Cluster at Southern Cross University. Amy commenced her career as a primary school teacher in Queensland Australia and later moved into academia after completing her PhD. Amy’s research focuses on the 'conceptualisation and articulation of environmental education and sustainability in childhood, schools, teacher education, higher education and community'. Her present research is heavily centred on children’s ontological framings of/in environment. Amy’s latest two books are: ‘Young Children’s Play and Early Childhood Environmental Education’ (Springer, co-authored with Edwards, Moore & Boyd) and ‘The Socioecological Educator’ (Springer, Co-edited with Wattchow, Jeans, Alfrey, Brown & O’Connor). |
5. Prof. Sulistyo Saputro (Universitas Sebelas Maret)
| Prof. Sulistyo Saputro's research mostly are analytical Chemistry. He is a lecturer and the head of LPPM UNS, a research center for social responsibilities done by UNS His notable works are 'Solid Phase Spectrophotometry and it's application to the study on speciation and Dynamic Circulation of Chromium in Natural Water' Graduated from Kyushu University of Japan, he is one of the few researchers in Indonesia who masters SPS |
6. Sidrotun Naim, Ph.D. (Surya University, Indonesia)
| Dr. Naim is currently working as lecturer at Surya University, Indonesia. She is also the director of AquaPath, a research center on sustanaibility and pathology. After graduated from Arizona University, she did postdoc at Harvard Medical School, Boston. She is also one of the young scientist who got The UNESCO-L'Oreal For Women in Science. Dr. Naim is an outstanding expert in genetic and microbiology of shrimp pathology. |
Important Date
Abstract Submission
| 1st Batch 16 June 2017, 2nd Batch 16 July 2017 |
Notification of Acceptance
| 1st Batch 30 June 2017 2nd Batch 23 July 2017 |
Full paper Submission | 1st Batch 16 July 2017 2nd Batch 6 August 2017 |
Conference Day |
16 Sept 2017 |
Participants are invited to submit abstracts for Oral Presentation, Submit your abstract using our submission page. The deadline for submission of abstracts for papers to be considered for Oral presentation is June 16, 2017 (1st Batch): 16 July 2017 (2nd Batch). The abstract must be written in English and should be a maximum of 300 words. Abstracts of all papers accepted by the Scientific Committee will be available on this website and included in the abstracts book of the conference once registration fees have been received. Please download (Author Guideline) |
Best Western Premier, Solo Baru, Indonesia
| Best Western Premier Solo Baru is a new upscale hotel located in the very heart of the city. A combination of high-end amenities and exquisite Indonesian hospitality makes every stay pleasure, while the hotel's free Wi-Fi ensures that guests stay well connected. Best Western Premier Solo Baru is also located within walking distance of Solo's largest shopping mall, close to the famous Pandawa Water World and just 30 minutes' drive from the airport. Note: We offer Solo City Tour (included UNS Campus Tour), FREE for Presenter |
Method of Payment
After completing the registration form, applicants should make a payment to the following bank account.
Bank: BNI 46
Account number: 0034104488
Bank Address: Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A Surakarta
Please add "27" in total of payment that you transfer. Example:
IDR 1,500,027
The payments should be made after filling out an online registration form. Thus, applicants should submit the proof of payment by emailing with the email subject format as Payment_Name_Phonenumber_The Title of Paper
Ex. Payment_Delisma_085642XXXXXX_Development of............
for Non Presenter : Payment_NonPresenter_Name (email subject)
In case of cancellations, it is only possible if you give notification 1 weeks in advance. After the date, the registration fee is not refundable.
All accepted papers will be published in one of the publications as follows:
1. International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy (INDERSCIENCE Publisher - Scopus Indexed)
2. International Journal of Services Technology and Management (INDERSCIENCE Publisher - Scopus Indexed)
3. Indonesian Journal of Chemistry (Scopus Indexed)
4. IOP Proceedings (Open Access - Scopus Indexed)
5. International Journal of Pedagogy and Teacher Education (Refereed Journal)
6. Regular ICoSMEE Proceedings
Poster for the 2nd Batch :
The International Advisory Committee |
Congratulations and thanks to the International Advisory Committee who have joined ICOSMEE 2017 UNS. Dr. Dani Harmanto BEng (Hons) ,MSc, PhD ,FHEA PgCert C.Eng MIED AMIMechE Bagus Putra Muljadi Heri Setya Kusuma |
Posted: 2017-07-06 | |
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