6th International Conference on Advanced Materials for Better Future


September 7, 2021 – September 8, 2021

THE 6th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON  ADVANCED MATERIALS FOR   BETTER  FUTURE (6th  ICAMBF 2021), offers   a tremendous opportunity for researchers; practitioners and industrial scientists to represent a diverse multidisciplinary range of sciences to  meet and  discuss the cutting edge topics of functional materials. The 6th ICAMBF 2021 revolves around the thema “Challenges and opportunities of smart materials for achieving sustainable developments goals”. The event has the objective of creating an international forum for academics,  researchers  and  scientists  from  worldwide to  discuss  worldwide  results  and proposals  regarding to  the soundest issues  related  to  Materials  and  Nanomaterials. The conference will include plenary speeches, invited presentations, and contributed presentations (oral and poster). Also we bring the ability to interact and advance their work through various speakers and  workshop-exhibition sessions.


Selected papers will be published in  “IOP Proceedings” (Open Acces) which is indexed by SCOPUS. All papers can be published after passing through the reviewing system.



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Registration Fee  
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The speakers of plenary lectures are:  
Posted: 2020-03-02 More...

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